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Saturday, October 28, 2006

1 month to go

Somewhere over the South Pacific

Exactly 1 month from today I'll be leaving Perth. When you go away for so long, you kinda feel like you've put your entire life back home on hold. As great as this experience has been, it's time to go home.

I started studying for my exams this weekend. If today was any indication, it's gonna be tough to keep motivated to study. I've ended up with this really annoying exam schedule, with my exams on Nov.21, 22 and 23... the last 3 days of the break. So basically I've got 3.5 weeks for studying... and 1 take-home. I think I'm the type of person who needs the pressure of a looming exam to actually hit the books, haha.

I'm not too worried about 2 of the exams, or the take-home... but my banking exam... well... that's another story. I don't think I've ever sat through lectures where I've understood so little. I'll probably end up spending 3/4 of my study time just on banking. Seems a bit of a waste, since it's probably the most irrelevant class for my future plans. Ah well.. hopefully 3 weeks from now I'll be a master of capital adequacy and be calculating foreign exchange contracts in my dreams. Hmm... I second thought....maybe not =P


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